Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

magic of one word

We had session on "humor in classroom" and we explored we take life tooooooooooo seriously.

Use humour - one does not need to think BIG to be humours - look around kids are full of laughter  - here is one such experience - "magic of one word".

We have  a child in Aarohi - sometimes she decides to answer one word - no matter what you ask her
Are you mad - disgusting
Do you want to eat  - disgusting
Do you want to go for KAA - disgusting

And the whole car/ session is full of laughter - people will talk more and laugh more with her. She too rolls with laughter.

Try this ONE WORD magic in your session or at home.

Use one word and see the magic -I want to go for go for snacks and then come back from snacks and then think of snacks and then talk about snacks and then imagine snacks and then work on snacks and then smile with snacks....................I am working snacks, I am listening snacks.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What a 2yrs will not fail to do

No two year will disappoint you with what a two year old can do. Here is my experience with Samarth (2yrs) at Aaorhi
  1. Take water in mug and throw on the floor and explore the flow, reactions and joy.
  2. Wear someone else’s footwear and move with dignity.
  3. Come back to mother when hungry or sleepy.
  4. Wants to apply cream by self.
  5. Wear ma’s chappals and even climb a rock or go for shopping.
  6. Play with you from a distance, dare to touch, or lift or shower your love!
  7. Hide behind ma’s legs just when you think you are friends now.
  8. Say NO clearly when does not want anything.
  9. Reason out why wants sugar NOW.
  10. Play silently for hours with things he is not suppose to mix – stationery, face cream, curd, dal, fevicol or gum, potty and so on.
  11. Use smile effectively and appropriately.
  12. Talk to you and amuse you.
  13. Establish fundamental right on parents – at my service as and when I need.
  14. I can decide to play alone, with anyone, at any time but parents cannot leave as and when they want.
  15. Remember and refer you in their conversation with parents, but not with you.
  16. Play in the bed in the night with joy.
  17. Express expressions

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Train to fail

I loved this thought “are you training yourself to fail”

Well, an important training I believe,
Earlier every mistake used to be guilt, and awkward - Now every mistake is learning.
I enjoy mixing and matching and playing around with design of my clothes – earlier any mistake used to be waste of money – now it is learning.

What happens when one fails?
What beliefs we carry about failure?
What makes us not fail?

I have done many mistakes ever since I started Geniekids. I have learnt much more ever since I stated Geniekids.
I have done many mistakes every since I envisaged Aarohi – I continue to do so. I am able to live my dream with my mistakes.
I have done many mistakes ever since the thoughts of “learning community” came in my mind.
I have done many mistakes ever since I dreamt of Amable.

What does theses failures have done to me?
It has made me a person who can make mistake, reflect, and leaner from it – No cursing self, no depression, no blaming others.
It has made me a person who is able to DREAM

Even now when I make mistake  - it takes me few hours, days to come out of it and at the end I smile on my learning and move ahead. I am still learning.

I was not like that
But I am like this now
What has made difference?
I guess “the capability to make mistakes”.

Allow your child to make mistakes
Allow your child to dream
Allow your child to explore
Celebrate the mistakes
Enjoy the failure.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

trust is biggest

Today I went for shopping.
As a person I have stopped checking the bills and change one gives me back. In case of doubt I ask the person, have you checked?

While I was shopping he was pushing me with few things - I said leave me alone and do not push me or market his things.

At the end he gave me Rs 100/- less
As I was going, he asked me “you do not want your money?”
I said “I trusted you and you have given me change back”.
He said “trust is the biggest thing”
He gave me Rs 100/-

When I go shopping – if there is any ambiguity in bill and delivery I consider it as a human mistake not cheating.
If someone does not deliver the work I consider it lack of understanding not the cheating of work.
I do still demand quality work

I want to continue to do so.