Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What a 2yrs will not fail to do

No two year will disappoint you with what a two year old can do. Here is my experience with Samarth (2yrs) at Aaorhi
  1. Take water in mug and throw on the floor and explore the flow, reactions and joy.
  2. Wear someone else’s footwear and move with dignity.
  3. Come back to mother when hungry or sleepy.
  4. Wants to apply cream by self.
  5. Wear ma’s chappals and even climb a rock or go for shopping.
  6. Play with you from a distance, dare to touch, or lift or shower your love!
  7. Hide behind ma’s legs just when you think you are friends now.
  8. Say NO clearly when does not want anything.
  9. Reason out why wants sugar NOW.
  10. Play silently for hours with things he is not suppose to mix – stationery, face cream, curd, dal, fevicol or gum, potty and so on.
  11. Use smile effectively and appropriately.
  12. Talk to you and amuse you.
  13. Establish fundamental right on parents – at my service as and when I need.
  14. I can decide to play alone, with anyone, at any time but parents cannot leave as and when they want.
  15. Remember and refer you in their conversation with parents, but not with you.
  16. Play in the bed in the night with joy.
  17. Express expressions


Aditi and Ratnesh said...

few more:
- Always think Intelligently
- Sleep when they want
- Get their paretns to carry them when they do not feel like walking
- Drink from anybody glass / bottle
- listen to song(s) that they want million of times

shivani and amable said...

Loving the read!

Radhai said...

this too...
-can say "I dont like it" wherever and whenever appropriate