Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

me and self genie

Some random thoughts

Often interpersonal Intelligence is confused with “emotional intelligence’ and often it stops at feelings. For me this intelligence about ME and me is not only emotions.  
  • If I know what makes me follow or not my goal?
  • If I know myself what makes my ethical values?
  • If I know what I am?
  • IF I know how I work, how I work independently, even though I am part of a team?
  • If  I know what I think about life?
  • If I know what do I need to work on my personal growth, and what is personal growth for me?
  • If I know other humans and various perspectives
  • If I can interospct
  • If I can EMPOWER others
How does one develop all this in children? I will say began with you.
Goals – Set goals and know your own journey.
Ethical values – You know what is ethical and what is not –  You may tell lie to your child, neighbour or boss and its perfectly fine with you. Know yourself what makes it fine for you? You donot have to justify what you think – just know yourself why it is fine and not fine with you.
Introspect – Does the introspection make you feel bad about yourself? Do you avoid introspection and confrontation with yourself ? Know yourself - what makes you run away and do you accept yourself for what you are? Remember there is difference between accepting and justify,
Empower others – Yes, shift power from you to others. Is it difficult for you to accept your child’s ideas? What makes you to follow or not follow your child or others? Know yourself.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"—Oliver Wendell Homes

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