Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The buzz word at home is “expected behaviour”.

On Friday shared with him “I am upset and I am finding it difficult to work with you to understand expected behaviour”. I broke my promise :)

He asked “what is expected?”

I said “what you are suppose to do”.

He said I know. But I donot like discussion on what I have done wrong”

Past two days – no discussion, only asking “what is expected behaviour?” He explains and we move ahead.

What is expected behaviour after you take bath ?
What is expected behaviour in Geniekids (while he was jumping across the chairs?)
What is expected behaviour when ma-pa are doing the show. (in the middle of the khattah mitha he wanted to discuss about his night out).

He likes describing. He describes in detail “what is expected”. When he describes he does not need to say “I did this wrong, or did not follow, or I will do like this”. He just describes and does what he has missed (keep towel and put cream after bath).

i enjoy listening :) He enjoys describing - win win.

Well, keeping it to minumum, use it only when it is require - reflecting on our own needs of behaviour. So using this buzz word with caution.

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