Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What is competition?

  • Is competition natural feeling?
  • Is competition external agenda?
  • Is competition internal agenda?
  • How competition is healthy?
  • How all competition effects way of working?
  • Does world survives on competition?
  • Do I want to do better than you? – is this natural?

I am making some statement here "Competition is natural feeling. I want to do my best, I want to learn from others. But when this becomes the driving agenda by others, it becomes external locus of control. The world is not competitive”.

Exploring what is “competition”?

Looking for a dialogue – share your thoughts.


Maharamki said...

To me:

Competition puts oneself "comparing" themselves with others.

Why to compare? No one in the entire world can do a job of being you than you.

Alternatively, to stride forward, it is appropriate to "CHALLENGE" oneself!

Michelangelo said “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it”.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing with their "block of stone". The statue that they are liberating is one of their own intentions. But how well we are doing with our own block of stone is relevant.

Rest are irrelevant.

That can come by building an attitude of challenging oneself.

Bringing this to the awareness, will empower oneself.....

Subha Parthasarathy said...

We have enough to work on ourselves than keep comparing or getting into a race which gets us nowhere. We are all connected and if we want to live it has to be with co-operation.
Competition is more self created. Our thoughts are powerful.. it influences the way we behave. Competition or Co-operation we have it in us, to make the choice.

Aarohi, Open Learning Community said...

Yes Subha and Ramki.
Lets us look at day to day situations

Lets see who finishes the milk faster
Lets us who does is better
You do better than him
You are better than others
For you to do best in class, you need to work hard

What does this does to our kids?
Are we killing the co-operative spirit?
Are we firing competitive spirit?
Are we instilling insecurity? (if you do not do better, you no good)

What happens in sports?

Trupti said...

for me personally competition is an internal thing. i compete with myself so that i can improve and go and grow further. it is a comparison with myself and not with others. looking back at my college days, i remember that i used to be only concerned with how i did in the tests as compared to the last time. it was never how well i did as compared with other students in the class. the comparison need not be with external forces at all and yet the person can be competitive. also, if someone is competitive in this sense, i feel it does not mean that the person is not cooperative. i think cooperation and competition are in that sense not related. hence, i never spoke with my kids like "who finishes milk faster", etc. i can see that now even ashwin is comparing his own performance from last time with present performance. no reference to how others have performed. and yet, he is also very cooperative. he came up with an idea to do run a kids' library in the apartment and had no problems sharing the idea with his friends and saying that it is their idea. there was not talk of "it was my idea and they are joining me in it".