Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Democracy - Myths

Have been reading about Democracy. Some of the thoughts I liked from Sudbury school, Democracy means, all are aware that they have the rights and people can exercise this as and when needed, so no need to remind people.
Some of the myths -
Myth no1 - Democracy means ALL SHOULD SPEAK.
This demand from the system itself is against democracy - it does not allow people to exercise their right of "not to speak". This is invasion into their privacy and against the decision to not to speak. 
Myth no 2 - Democracy means "All will take part".
This is against Democracy as it does not allow people to decide to take part in something else which is more pressing issue  for them. (this reminds me quote which Vidya sent few times "all are fighting their own battle").
Myth no 3 -
People are not speaking because someone else is more powerful or they are scared or they have made out of court settlements This judgemental approach is against Democracy as this does not allow people to decide that they can follow someone or does not want to speak now or decide for themselves how they want to move ahead. 
Myth no 4 - All should vote.
This is against Democracy, as this does not allow people to decide that they want to take time to understand whom to vote or they are fine due to lack of information available. 
Myth no 5 - All should contribute.
In any free country there are few who work and other enjoy the works of others, so its fine to have mix of people.

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