Hugs and Happiness

Happy to interact with you - I enjoy dialogues, challenging my thoughts or just sharing my thoughts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What about child's ME?

Ratnesh was asked by a child to take her cycle to puncture shop at O-campus. Ratnesh decided to do by self and also share the experience with the child. Vishal joined Ratnesh - after some time the child was off leaving Ratnesh and Vishal to finish the work.

Well, I was in awe with exploration of cycle puncture – both the boys  tried various options, had detailed discussion about the puncture, spent a lot of time – I learnt how to explore and stay with something.

Well, the END left me thinking
At the end of the day the puncture was not done – the child was disappointed; she did not even think that you had put in efforts. I was left with half done job to address to the child’s need next time (me driving and getting the work done). I was also thinking what went wrong inspite of both spending time and efforts.

As a reflection I realized the learning and joy was theirs, the child’s ME was not addressed -:)( Did we miss to listen to the child’s need?

Would the combination would have been win win ?
Would the goal “cycle ready by the end of the day” would have been win win?
Would understand “the need” would have been win win?
Do we need win win?

Personally I have no issue with half done cycle - but sharing this as a faculty as this was an eye opener for me. Agenda of “exposure” took over the child’s agenda of “cycle repair so she could cycle next day”. She was also ready to take cycle by self to the repair shop or do anything to get cycle repair on a holiday.  The depth in which Rat and Vishal enjoyed the repair was truly inspiring for me but what about the child?

We forgot about the child somewhere :((

Was remembering a quote posted by Shivani “If we would listen to our kids, we'd discover that they are largely self-explanatory? ~Robert Brault”

Just pondering


vishalamable said...

Incidentally, after my last genie duniya session, I went through similar reflection. The children were stuck with making the generator work. I went in with the goal - let me make their generator work. it's fine if i give direct answers for few things. I wanted to experiment this mode. i realized that my goal shifted and before i could realize, 'I' was investigating why generator is not working and children were busy with something else.

I feel if I am enjoying an exploration and I am not putting conscious efforts to involve child in the explorations, child may (1) still get involved or (2) may enjoy/get inspired by my exploration or (3) walk away. while playing the role of a pure video camera and child doing the work has it's benefits, doing all the work yourself and child being the video camera also has some benefits. In real life, we would keep switching between the role of a video camera and that of a doer. When you are playing the role of a doer with the objective of child learning out of it, you tend to become 'teachy'.

Aarohi, Open Learning Community said...

like the idea of video camera

Aarohi, Open Learning Community said...

Vishal, Although I like the idea of being a video camera, I am not in agreement with "If I feel I am enjoying".

My question was "did we miss to listen to child?".

It was not about you or child learning or getting involve - it was child's need, which was specifically mentioned and expected.